Category: SharePoint

  • Working with Managed Paths in SharePoint using PowerShell

    Quite a common requirement for implementations of SharePoint that I am involved in is to create new managed paths for a given web application.

    While it is a simple task to perform via Central Administration, I inevitably turn to PowerShell to achieve this so that I can then include it as part of larger configuration or deployment scripts.

    Define managed paths in Central Administration
    Define managed paths in Central Administration

    To manage managed paths in SharePoint we use the PowerShell Get-SPManagedPathNew-SPManagedPath and Remove-SPManagedPath cmdlets.

    Reviewing existing managed paths

    To get a list of all the managed paths for a given web application we use the Get-SPManagedPath cmdlet as shown below.

    Get-SPManagedPaths PowerShell Cmdlet
    Get-SPManagedPaths PowerShell Cmdlet

    Creating a new explicit path

    Explicit managed paths only allow one site collection to be created at a specific path. An example of this is the root site collection of a web application which has an explicit managed path of “/” (

    To add a new explicit managed path to a web application we use the New-SPManagedPath cmdlet and include the -Explicit parameter.

    Adding a wildcard managed path

    Wildcard managed paths allow one or more site collections to exist at a specified path. This is the same as the default ‘sites’ managed path that we should all be familiar with (

    To add a wildcard managed path we run the command as we did for an explicit managed path however we don’t include the -Explicit parameter.

    Custom managed paths added
    Custom managed paths added

    Removing an existing managed path

    There may be times when you need to remove managed paths. This can be done by running the Remove-SPManagedPath cmdlet and specifying the name of the managed path to be removed and what web application to remove it from. When removing a managed path you will be prompted to confirm the removal action – this can be silenced by adding -confirm:$false to the command.


    Using the SPManagedPath nouns in PowerShell we can get a list of existing managed paths, create explicit or wildcard managed paths and also remove existing managed paths for a given web application.

  • Clear the SharePoint Quick Launch using PowerShell

    Clear the SharePoint Quick Launch using PowerShell

    Today I had a requirement to remove all the headings and links from the quick launch navigation of hundreds of SharePoint sites. The sites were being provisioned as part of a PowerShell deployment script that was deleting the default list and libraries. Going through each of these sites manually was not an option – so I edited the deployment script to include a function to remove the headings for me.

    SharePoint Quick Launch with Headings
    SharePoint Quick Launch with Headings

    I remembered doing something similar to this back on SharePoint 2007 but I didn’t have access to the previous script or project and instead had to research the subject for a while to find what I needed.


    A post from Get-SPScripts supplied me with what I was after, although it was part of a much larger script. So I picked away at their code and made it into the following PowerShell function to re-use in other projects.

    The above Remove-SPQuickLaunchLinks function will remove all headings and links from the SharePoint quick launch for a particular site.

    Empty SharePoint Quick Launch
    Empty SharePoint Quick Launch

    Remember to review, rename and test this script before using it in a production environment.

  • Backup and download solutions in SharePoint from the configuration database

    Backup and download solutions in SharePoint from the configuration database

    The need to backup or download SharePoint solutions or WSPs from SharePoint come’s up from time to time. This usually crops up for me when upgrading client environments, and they have forgotten where they put their original solutions, or there is a discrepancy as to which version they installed.

    To download the solutions from the config database run the following PowerShell script. This will save all of the solutions stored in SharePoint’s config database to a directory (“C:\Solutions”) on the local machine.

    Remember to review, rename and test this script before using it in a production environment.

  • Why WordPress and not SharePoint?

    Why WordPress and not SharePoint?

    Many people have said to me “your using WordPress for your blog but you’re a SharePoint Consultant” and my response is typical “but why must use SharePoint – I guess you also have a problem with me using a Mac?”.

    Yes, I do work with SharePoint – in fact, it goes beyond just working with it but we won’t go there. I have developed websites for many years and typically chosen to build these on the WordPress platform – it’s adaptable and responsive to the differing requirements and yet it doesn’t need weeks of custom development. Not only that but it was built for blogging and the user interface is more in tune to writing blog posts. Secretly I knew if I used SharePoint for my blog it would become more of a job than a hobby with all the extra work it would need.

    SharePoint is just not the blogging platform for me – let’s just say when I’m blogging I want the night off!